Secretary Johnson…help us understand!
10/7/24 – SOS announces removal of non-citizens from voter rolls
10/8/24 – FOIA filed for a list of the names of non-citizens removed from the voter rolls
10/22/24 – Deadline of 10 business days allowed to respond to FOIA.
12/3/24 – STILL WAITING for the list as Deputy Diedrick stalls and makes lame excuses for why they haven’t gotten us the list yet.
What are you hiding South Dakota Secretary of State? Where is our list?
Customer service rating = F
Transparency rating = F
How is that UOCAVA voters are the only demographic in South Dakota that votes 90% Democratic? Could it be they aren’t REAL current or former value sharing South Dakota residents?
How is that UOCAVA voters are reported to have this same voting behavior in various jurisdictions across the United States?
Hey South Dakota : Just a reminder that the Bpro Total Vote System CRASHED in the middle of a presidential election. This cannot be forgotten or swept under the rug. We need answers.
Deputy Secretary of State Tom Diedrick was quoted saying it was a “global Microsoft outage”.…/state-voting-system-facing…/
However, Microsoft does not publicly list any “global outages” for that time period.
Nevada and New Mexico also had “data transfer” issues during the 2024 general election. These states use the Bpro Total Vote system as well.
Will we ever get a real answer as to what happened? Will South Dakota Secretary of State tell us why and how the statewide voter roll and election night reporting system crashed for three hours in the middle of voting, and if any data was affected?
Where is that $4.5 Million of HAVA funds, allocated to the state for post-election audits, that Monae Johnson redirected and paid to Bpro for upgrades? Did you know all Total Vote user names and passwords are kept by the SOS office? Want to change your password? Just call the SOS – they’ll change it for you!!! How secure is that?
Public records show Oregon and Pennsylvania’s independent project oversight contractor, Gartner Inc., has exposed massive flaws in the Bpro Total Vote system including the inability to meet BASIC CYBERSECURITY STANDARDS required by the state. In fact, the program implementation was so poor that Pennsylvania cancelled their $10M+ contract with Bpro/Knowink Total Vote and have yet to receive millions of dollars paid on the cancelled contract.…/
This would be a really good topic for the next Government Operations and Audit Committee, or better yet, a legislative investigation into the Azure platform failure and the implementation of an comprehensive independent security audit. It’s long past time someone other than the private corporation Bpro/Knowink has eyes on all aspects of this SD developed and funded system (state owned source code) that has been exported across the country by prior Secretaries of State FOR FREE in exchange for sole source contracts with Bpro.
Did we mention the discovery of a foreign national living in Kyiv, Ukraine contracted by Bpro/Knowink Total Vote for GIS mapping services in New Mexico? Isn’t this a violation of national security laws since elections are national critical infrastructure?
Via SDCanvass: