The Hive has become increasingly apoplectic and unhinged since President Trump and the Republicans swept to power as a result of the November elections – and increasingly so since Inauguration Day 2025! Here is how a hysterical Raw Story article put it immediately after the election: “Democrats are afraid a convicted felon [sic] will be coming after them in 2025 when he reclaims his position as president of the U.S., journalists revealed.” Fast-forward to this 31 January headline from The New York Times: “Justice Dept. Fires Jan. 6 Prosecutors Amid Campaign of Retribution by Trump.”
Laugh out loud! One man’s retribution is another man’s reciprocity and justice – reciprocity being visiting on the Hive some of their own actions against us. Turnabout is fair play insofar as no laws are violated in its pursuit.
The Hive theory was first presented by conservative writer Tom Bethell in a February 1981 piece for The American Spectator, titled “The Apiculture of Socialism”:
Left-wing individuals and organizations have disguised their agenda by adopting a new system of communication, one in which the crude old formulas such as “state ownership of the means of production” never appear. Joe Sobran, the National Review editor and columnist, has likened the contemporary system of socialist communication to a beehive. Bees in a hive don’t “talk” to one another, but they do have an effective system of communication, and they all work toward a common goal, different bees performing different functions. “There is no need to posit an overarching conspiracy,” Sobran wrote recently. “The world collectivist movement goes forward. None of its constituent parts — Communist, socialist, liberal — runs the whole thing; they don’t even consciously cooperate, for the most part.” But they manage never to sting one another.
The Hive consists of elected Democrats and their staffs, Democrat activists masquerading as journalists throughout the legacy media, Democrat activists burrowed into federal and state agencies, leftwing nonprofit organizations who benefit from federal taxpayers dollars shoveled to them by Democrat administrations and congresses over the years, Democrat activists who gained control of key professional organizations such as the American Bar Association/National Education Association/American Psychiatric Association/etc., billionaire Democrat donors (especially in Big Tech) who fund all of the Democrats’ and the Hive’s subterfuge, Democrat activists masquerading as actors in Hollywood, Democrat (Marxist) denizens within Academia at virtually every college and university in America, and the plethora of activist street organizations like ACORN, Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, BLM, and others that conveniently come and go as necessary to further the Democrat/progressive/Marxist/communist narrative(s) and agenda(s). All of the communist Democrats who infest these entities work in concert toward their nefarious goals to destroy our constitutional Republic and turn it into just another communist dictatorship like so many other Third World countries around the world.
And they do so while coordinating subliminally just like bees in a beehive do.
Sadly, only conservatives and other ostensibly “Republican” observers have monitored and commented on the existence and operations of the Hive over the past 45 years. Most Americans have been unaware of its existence until the recent euphemism of the Deep State began getting some traction in independent media from the Obama era onward. Even the legacy media unwittingly provided some oxygen to the theory, but mostly through castigating anyone who opined about “an amorphous baleful Deep State” and characterizing such people as “conspiracy theorists.”
How does that gaslighting by the Democrat-media complex about the Deep State look at the beginning of the Second Trump Administration? Once again, the axiom about conspiracies has been anecdotally proven once again: “The difference between a conspiracy and the truth is a function of time.” As Americans watched aghast at how various parts of the Hive relentlessly attacked President Trump from the moment he was inaugurated in 2017 through numerous hoaxes, two impeachments, continual gaslighting and outright slander by the Democrat-media complex (“Trump is a nazi” and “Trump is Putin’s tool”), and relentless lawfare practiced against him by Democrat prosecutors, judges, and juries in 2024, little did the Hive know but that they were sealing the own doom by exposing their perfidy for all Americans to see. Only Democrats and their sycophants can deny the presence of the “Deep State” at this juncture!
And they apparently have learned nothing from the debacle they suffered at the hands of votes in November, as the newly elected Democrat National Committee chairman is a clown who advocated in 2020 that President Trump be tried for treason! Ken Martin’s remarks on 29 June 2020:
[Donald Trump] should be immediately impeached and then put on trial for treason… His actions led to the deaths of American soldiers. He is a traitor to our nation and all those who have served.
Go for it, Democrats! Glad to see you picked the leader of the communist Democrat Farm Labor Party in Minnesota to be your new Party chairman. We here in South Dakota know full well the disastrous impact of the DFL Party on Minnesotans over the decades. After all, Minneapolis-St. Paul became ground zero for the BLM rioting nationwide after the DFL attorney general politicized George Floyd’s overdose death in 2020.
The rest of us will be amused as you caterwaul and hand-wring about “Trump’s retribution” and “the destruction of our democracy at the hands of the nazi Donald Trump.” Ooops! Funny how the Democrats and their Hive partners (except their kook fringe) suddenly stopped calling Trump a nazi after he shellacked the communist Kamala Harris on Election Day! That was their entire election message, which undoubtedly convinced more than a few weak-minded Democrat rank-and-file to vote for Kamala out of fear of “what the evil Trump might do.” Of course, the Democrats were merely projecting their own private fears as the likes of Adam Schiff, Sheldon Whitehouse, Tammy Duckworth, Mazie Hirono, and other Senate Democrats have clearly telegraphed during their disgraceful and downright un-senatorial questionings of Trump nominees such as Pam Bondi, RFK Jr, Pete Hegseth, and especially Kash Pate over the past two weeks. In a perfect world, they and we would know that justice is coming for them! We shall soon see…
Meanwhile, the rest of us will get on with restoring sane governance in America, replacing DEI racism with merit once and for all, implementing transparency in government (to include bypassing legacy media gatekeepers of past Democrat narratives), and de-weaponizing the Deep State who have targeted the Democrats’ political opponents since the Obama years. The latter will require the meting out of harsh justice to those who violated the constitutional rights of those who were persecuted by the Dept of Justice and other federal agencies since 2009 – and especially during the Biden regime.
How did we get there, and what can we expect moving forward?
While the Hive has operated in the shadows for many decades, perhaps the defining event that brought it into the light transpired during the Obama regime. This was the exposure of the overt weaponization of the federal government against Americans during Obama’s presidency, with emphasis on the illegal surveillance of domestic political opponents. [Note: it is useful to characterize this as another “XXX-gate,” as the Hive weaponized their political coup against President Nixon (“the Watergate Hotel”) by referring to subsequent scandals as “gates” for political warfare purposes. Everyone knows what an XXX-gate harkens back to these days. Long past time to flip the script on them!]
The long-running Obama White House political operation against Republicans violated the 4th Amendment rights of American citizens by orchestrating the illegal surveillance of their digital communications, as well as illegally unmasking some of them when politically expedient. This was laser-focused on then-candidate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign by concocting a counter-intelligence operation without even informing Trump at the time. The fact that he WASN’T informed as a courtesy by the FBI subsequently proved that he was indeed a target despite repeated denials by the FBI director running that operation!
But that is not the only aspect of Obamagate. The IRS, EPA, DHS, DoJ, FBI, and other federal agencies were weaponized against Obama’s political opponents throughout his presidency. For example, the IRS specifically targeted Tea Party-related non-profit organizations. The Hive, especially including willing allies in the media, foisted a Russia collusion hoax on the nation that led to 2-year “investigation by a special counsel while slow-rolling the legitimate political agenda of a newly elected US president.
The damage done by the likes of the criminal firm of “Clapper, Comey and Brennan” and their subordinates was incalculable. The number of Hive people involved was astounding. Consider that New York Times and Washington Post “investigative reporters” were awarded Pulitzer prizes in 2018 for their “investigative journalism.” Those prizes have yet to be rescinded despite the fact that “Trump-Russia collusion” has been thoroughly debunked as a hoax and Democrat dirty trick, nor have either of those two legacy media organizations (or any other legacy media member of The Hive for that matter) publicly apologized for dragging President Trump and the country through the mud with their years of gaslighting and lies.
And the same is true for all of the other hoaxes and lies thrown at President Trump from 2017 through the present. The Hive is not very good with apologies!
Joe Biden’s political operation continued and accelerated the weaponization of the US government against President Trump, his political allies, and anyone who resisted Biden’s leftwing agenda. This was not surprising, as many of Biden’s political appointees and staff were Obama White House veterans, as noted by PBS and the Wall Street Journal. Susan Rice, who was for a time Biden’s domestic policy chief, was a direct link to Obama and doubtless was the conduit for executing Obama’s policy goals during Biden’s presidency.
The Biden regime itself was the perfect example of the Hive in action, as Biden himself has now been exposed as having been in mental decline (if not incapacitated) during his entire presidency. Yet, a plethora of Biden executive orders and other actions were executed with seemingly little actual coordination among the various federal agencies and departments. Certainly not by the mentally-challenged Biden or the incompetent Kamala Harris!
Here are some examples of the Biden regime’s collective weaponization of the federal government over the past four years:
- The J6 fedsurrection investigations and prosecutions by the highly-politicized FBI and DoJ, including the J6 committee’s destruction of testimony and video.
- The slow-rolling and suppression of evidence surrounding the failed assassination attempts in Butler (PA) and Florida.
- The coercion of tech companies like X (formerly Twitter) and Meta (formerly Facebook) to cancel the accounts of conservatives and/or suppress political speech critical of the Biden regime and Democrats in general.
- The FBI’s targeting of other domestic political enemies of Democrats. After the events of January 6th, the FBI led a “shock-and-awe campaign,” bringing a swat team of 25 men to arrest Mark Houck, a pro-life activist and president of a Catholic ministry that protested a Planned Parenthood facility in 2022 in what appears to be an effort to intimidate the pro-life movement and who was later acquitted by a federal jury.
- The use of lawfare to intimidate Republican presidential electors in Michigan and other states.
- The unprecedented action to raid a former president’s residence as part of a conspiracy to interfere with the 2024 election process and suppress the constitutionally-guaranteed political speech of that president’s supporters
- In an assist to Biden from the Deep State during the 2020 campaign, the FBI withheld the fact that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real and the information contained therein was factual and not “Russian disinformation” as claimed by the Hive and the “51 intelligence professionals” who perjured themselves (and have subsequently had their security clearances pulled by the new Trump Administration).
- The politically-motivated lawfare coordination between the Biden DoJ and Democrat prosecutors in the District of Columbia, New York, and Georgia that led to faux trials and judgments against President Trump (filled with 6th amendment violations, withholding of exonerating evidence and testimony, rulings by clearly biased judges, and collusion between DoJ and the Democrat prosecutors that has subsequently been exposed).
Contemplate the implications of what this all means. The Hive has been hard and work and taken off their masks for us all to see who they really are. They wrongly thought that they were invulnerable in thinking that, just because their theft of the 2020 election was successful, future thefts meant Democrat control of the federal government in perpetuity.
Over the past decade have seen evidence that the Obama-Biden DoJ and FBI acted as a veritable Praetorian guard in shielding politically-favored people like Hillary Clinton, the Biden family, and others from certain prosecution. While many Americans have believed that their government operates in the best interests of all Americans without regard to politics, we have now learned just how corrupt the federal agencies have become. Trust in government is a thing of the past! Trust in media is even worse, and trust in the Democrat Party itself is at its lowest level ever in recent polls. And why wouldn’t this be the case after the decade of gaslighting and lies from all components of the Hive that we have endured and which have now been exposed as such?
Whether trust in government in particular can ever be restored is highly questionable. But restore it we must if we are to preserve our constitutional Republic for our posterity, and that will involve full disclosure of the crimes committed and harsh justice meted out to all the perpetrators, no matter how high or how low their station in life is.
Americans have witnessed the emergence of a two-tiered justice system over the past 50-plus years. Members of the Hive can escape punishment for the most egregious offenses while the rest of us are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The dichotomy is so pervasive and well-known that it’s almost become a cliché. The country has transitioned from governance by “the rule of law” to that of “rule by man” – with all the attendant arbitrariness and political corruption that results.
Examples abound. Think about Ted Kennedy (manslaughter); John Kerry (serial traitor, sedition, and Logan Act violations); Bill Clinton (perjury, suborning perjury, and multiple accounts of sexual assault/rape); Obama (sedition, conspiracy, violation of American’s constitutional rights); Hillary Clinton (multiple counts of mishandling top secret/sensitive classified information); the Biden family (bribery, FARA violations, political corruption); etc.
And the politically-motivated prosecutions of President Trump is a perfect example of “rule by man” and a statement attributed to Stalin’s executioner Lavrenti Beria: “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”
Trust in government institutions can never be restored until federal law enforcement institutions are completely de-politicized and members of the Hive held accountable for their crimes: conspiracy, sedition, bribery, corruption, etc.
Fortunately, it would appear that President Trump means business this time around. The “retribution” that the Hive has been fearing since Election Day 2024 is just getting started with targeted firings in DoJ and the FBI (and other agencies). Meting out harsh justice to those who have heretofore escaped accountability will go a long way in deterring future such crimes.
We call it delivering the accountability that has long been denied to the American people by the Hive. It is and will be cathartic to the body politic and long overdue!
The end.